News Teaching Publications Group Research


Welcome! We focus on Predictability and Applied Research for the Earth-system with Training and Optimization (PARETO). As such, we use machine learning (e.g., neural networks) and numerical modeling systems (e.g., CESM) to answer pressing questions and address challenges in modeling the Earth system. Examples of problems that we are tackling include:

☁ extending our understanding of Earth system predictability,
☁ parameterizing subgrid scale processes in Earth system models, and
☁ uncovering multi-scale and causal patterns in the climate system.

Our research also strives to incorporate open-source software and data, accessible communication, and multi-discipline collaboration (particularly with computer science).

Our group name, PARETO, is inspired by the Pareto frontier, a fundamental concept in optimization theory. The concept was named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) and delineates trade-offs between competing objectives.


Fall 2024 group photo. Pictured from left to right: Luke Wichrowski, Kyle Hall, Sandy Kerr, Sunny Sharma, Emily Wisinski, Dean Calhoun, Jon Starfeldt, Jhayron S. Perez-Carrasquilla, Assistant Professor Maria J. Molina, and Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow Manuel Titos. Learn more about our group [here].

If you are interested in joining our group as a graduate researcher, please note that all interested applicants must apply online to be considered.

Recent News

☁ [January] Our group attended the AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA:
- Dean’s poster, “Quantifying Inequity in Data-Driven and Physics-Based Weather Models,” was on Sunday, 12 January.
- Maria’s panel (invited), “Seeking Bluer Skies: Making a Career Transition as an Early-Career Professional,” was on Monday, 13 January.
- Jonathan’s poster, “Navigating Spatial and Temporal Modalities for the Development of an AI-Ready Dataset for Urban Heat Research”, was on Wednesday, 15 January.

☁ [January] Sunny Sharma attended the NSF STC LEAP Winter 2025 Momentum Bootcamp at Columbia University in New York, NY, focusing on climate data science in the cloud.

☁ [December] Our group will be attending the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. Our schedules have been announced:
- Emily’s poster, “From the Ocean Subsurface to the Upper Troposphere: A More Holistic Characterization of ENSO,” is on Tuesday, 10 December at 1:40pm ET.
- Jonathan’s talk, “Navigating Spatial and Temporal Modalities for the Development of an AI-Ready Dataset for Urban Heat Research”, is on Wednesday, 11 December at 11:05am ET.
- Jhayron’s poster, “Long-term changes in the occurrence and characteristics of North American weather regimes,” is on Thursday, 12 December at 8:30am ET.
- Dean’s poster, “Quantifying Inequity in Data-Driven and Physics-Based Weather Models,” is on Thursday, 12 December at 8:30am ET.

More news available [here].

Recent Publications

☁ Schreck, J. S., D. J. Gagne II, C. Becker, W. E. Chapman, K. Elmore, G. Gantos, E. Kim, D. Kimpara, T. Martin, M. J. Molina, V. M. Pryzbylo, J. Radford, B. Saavedra, J. Willson, and C. Wirz (2024). Evidential Deep Learning: Enhancing Predictive Uncertainty Estimation for Earth System Science Applications. Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems. [Link]

☁ Beadling, R. L., P. Lin, J. Krasting, W. Ellinger, A. Coomans, J. Milward, K. Turner, X. Xu, T. Martin, and M. J. Molina (2024). From the surface to the stratosphere: large-scale atmospheric response to Antarctic meltwater. Geophysical Research Letters. [Link]

☁ *Chan, M. A., M. J. Molina, and C. A. Metzler (2024). Estimating Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty with a Single Model. Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). [Link]

More publications available [here].

Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Maryland.